
Robert and Katie hold a library of bellringing books that we are willing to lend out to local ringers. This is a list of the titles. We can bring the box to practices for people to browse through or you may ask us to bring just one or two titles. If there are ringing-related resources you feel we should include please let us know.

General information

Change ringing. The history of an English Art. Vol1

Change ringing. The history of an English Art. Vol3

Discovering bells and bellringing

Giants of the exercise. Notable ringers of the past

Learning to ring

The new ringers book

Learning the ropes. Ringer's guide to learning the ropes

Learning the ropes. Ringers logbook

Learning the ropes. Advanced call changes logbook

The one per learner book

Teacher's guide to learning the ropes

Teacher training log book

Next steps

Ringing Down 'Ere. Call change ringing in the far south-west

Kaleidoscope ringing.

How to learn methods

Ringing circles. A guide to learning methods

Doubles or quit. Or how to conquer plain bob doubles

Beginners plain bob

Plain bob minor. A mine of information


Will you call a touch please Bob. A beginners guide

Splicing bell rope illustrated

Older books

The ringers handbook (1976 edition)

Grandsire (1973)

Ropesight (1975)

Standard methods (1980)

Diagrams (1975)

Dove's Church bells of Britain (1976)Â